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disable alexa website : We will be retiring Alexa.com on May 1, 2022

We will be resigning the Alexa.com APIs on December 8, 2022

We will be resigning the Alexa.com Top Sites and Alexa.com Web Information Service APIs on December 8, 2022.

We are glad to have had you as clients

Much thanks to you earnestly
The Alexa.com Team

disable alexa website : We will be retiring Alexa.com on May 1, 2022.

When is the last day I can get information through the API?

December 8, 2022, UTC will be the last day you can get information using the API.

What will happen to any content that keeps on pursuing the API is inaccessible?

Assuming you have content that consistently runs or has a booked run, the content ought to be wound down before December 8, 2022. Assuming it isn't, the content will just get "410 GONE" mistakes beginning on December 8, 2022.

Will I be charged for my solicitations?

Indeed, you will keep on being charged for all solicitations made before December 8, 2022. Any solicitations made on or after December 8, 2022, UTC won't bring about a charge.

What will befall any information I have downloaded after the API is inaccessible?

Any information you have effectively gotten from the API won't be impacted. Beginning on December 8, 2022, all information will be eliminated from the API. Any solicitations for the information you make after that date will get a "410 GONE" mistake.

I contrast the API information and alexa.com. Will alexa.com stay dynamic?

The alexa.com site will stay dynamic until May 1, 2022, UTC. From that point forward, you will presently don't approach alexa.com.

Would I be able to get to comparative destinations, crowd cross-over, watchword, traffic sources, or commitment information through API?

No, we don't offer this information using API. You can get this information on alexa.com until May 1, 2022.
I have one more inquiry identified with the alexa.com site.

If it's not too much trouble, allude to the alexa.com site censure notice here: We will be resigning Alexa.com on May 1, 2022

1. alexa.com is retiring

2. alexa retiring

3. we will be retiring alexa.com on may 1, 2022

4. retiring alexa.com

5. alexa.com
6. we will be retiring alexa.com
7. alexa.com retiring
8. retiring alexa
9. alexa com
10. alexa api
