Like many organs of the body, the musculoskeletal system in children's bodies is developing and therefore often requires special care. We've rounded up several orthopedic issues that children and infants can develop and treatments that may help
5 common bone problems in children
Orthopedics is often seen as an adult-only field of medicine designed to treat problems that develop due to constant wear and tear. But in fact, orthopedic problems can also develop in children, some of them are congenital. Below are some common conditions that require referral to pediatric orthopedic surgery.
1. Clubfoot
Clubfoot is one of the most common congenital anomalies commonly found in the early stages of pregnancy. In this position, the ankle and foot are tilted inward due to a short Achilles tendon which is normal which causes the heel to pull toward the back of the calf. The defect can appear on one or both feet and is more common in boys than in girls.
In some cases, it is accompanied by other problems in the thighs and spine, thus the pediatric orthopedic surgeon will also perform a comprehensive examination of the spine and thighs at the time of diagnosis.
How is it treated?
The problem is usually treated verbally which involves gentle manipulations and pours on the foot, to gradually and gently tighten the muscles and tendons in the area and try to return the foot to its normal position. situation.
Pertussis causes dislocation of the hip joint and most often occurs in young children aged 4-10 years. The disease causes significant lameness and sometimes pain and stiffness in the groin, pelvis, and upper leg.
The disease is diagnosed through a physical examination by a pediatric orthopedic surgeon, x-rays, and sometimes an MRI.
How is it treated?
There are conservative and surgical treatments for pertussis. The choice of a surgical alternative depends on the severity of symptoms and is usually recommended for children 6 years of age and older.
3. The platform
On the inside of the foot is an arch that runs between the heel and the base of the big toe. In cases where there is no such arch and the entire foot is in contact if the ground is diagnosed with flat feet.
Flatulence in children is a particularly common condition that can be detected at the age of 1-5 years. This is part of the normal development of the foot, and in about 95% of children, flat feet themselves will develop into a familiar arch. However, about 5% of children will continue to suffer from flatulence even in old age, and a minority will suffer from various problems related to the absence of the arch.
In what cases will treatment be needed?
If the platform remains even at older ages and causes pain or restriction inactivity, the orthopedic surgeon will make a comprehensive diagnosis and decide on the overall treatment strategy that will usually fit the sole and shoe.
4. Walking on tiptoe
Toe walking is a particularly common condition in young children and is usually not a cause for concern. However, tiptoe walking can indicate conditions such as cerebral palsy, Duchenne disease, or autism spectrum disorders.
When should a doctor be consulted?
If a child walks on tiptoe even after the age of two, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician. If you notice tightening of the calf muscles, stiffness in the Achilles tendon, or asymmetry of the muscles in both legs, it is advisable to consult a doctor at an early stage.
Differences in the length of the lower limbs
In each of us, the length of the lower and upper limbs is not equal, but when the difference between the legs is more than 2 cm, this is a significant deformity that may also need to be treated. Genetic or evolutionary conditions.
There are often differences in the length of the legs that will not cause different symptoms or pain in children. In adults, it may lead to back, hip, or knee pain. You'll stand on the shorter side, or bend/bend the knee on the longer side).
And how can it be treated?
If the difference in the length of the foot is small, it can be treated with lifting accessories raised to the shoe. In cases where the difference between the two ends is more significant, surgery may be needed to extend the short leg or stop the growth of the longer leg. The decision regarding surgery strategy depends on the results of the orthopedic examination and is made in collaboration with the parents of the child being treated.